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作者: xiaohe
'--FUNCTION : it can get One Database's espacialy Fields SERIALNO
'--Parament :
'    (1). mLen : the FIELD's total length
'    (2). mHead : the SerialNo Start with Charactor
'    (3). mField: the database fields name it will be.
'    (4). mDB : Database Name
'--Return : Return a Specaily format string with you want HEADCHAR by appointed.
'--Attention: the mLen must no less than the length of mHead             
'--Example : sSerialNo = GetSerialNo(12, "TA", "ta_id", "mtotal_Asset")

Function GetSerialNo(mLen, mHead, mField, mDB)
  Dim tmpstr
  dim strSql
  dim tmpRs
  If mLen <= len(mHead) then                        'if Length of head Character equal mLen 
GetSerialNo = Null                          'then return NULL
exit function
  end if

  mHead = UCase(mHead)
  strSql = " Select max(" & mField & ") mMax from " & mDB
  strSql = strSql & " Where " & mField & " like '" & mHead & "%'"      'The sql Condition
  Set tmpRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  tmpRs.Open strSql, Session("OraArsConn")
  If (tmpRs.BOF And tmpRs.EOF) Then
    tmpstr = String(mLen - Len(mHead) - 1, "0") & "1"           'The base begin with 1
    tmpstr = mHead + tmpstr
IF not IsNull(tmpRs.Fields("mMax")) Then
tmpstr = tmpRs.Fields("mMax")  'Get the max value
tmpStr = Mid(tmpStr,Len(mHead) + 1,mLen)            
tmpStr = CInt(tmpStr) + 1                       'Increase the value  
tmpStr = mHead & String(mLen - len(mHead) - len(tmpStr),"0") & tmpStr 'Create New SerialNo
tmpstr = String(mLen - Len(mHead) - 1, "0") & "1"           'The base begin with 1
tmpstr = mHead + tmpstr
End If
  End If
  set tmpRs = nothing
  GetSerialNo = tmpstr
End Function

  2002年1月8日  阅读 598 次  发送此页给朋友  来源:    版权争议  删除

相关文章:   近期热点:

上一篇: ADO如何锁定RecordSet的记录呢?
下一篇: SQL数据库的一些攻击

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